Our collection of what’s what in web3. Your one-stop whenever you need answers along your journey through DAOs, DeFi, and NFTs!
Are you just getting started? Here’s the key definitions to get a grasp on why Web3 matters:
<aside> 🌐 What is Web3?
<aside> ⛓️ Blockchain Basics
<aside> 🦾 How to use a Crypto Wallet
<aside> 🛣️ After you’re done with our intro to web3 section, feel free to branch out and explore the three biggest categories in web3.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are web3-native communities where everyone can participate to achieve a certain goal.
<aside> 👥 What is a DAO?
<aside> 👋 How to find a DAO to Join?
<aside> 🏢 How can I Contribute to a DAO?
<aside> 🗳️ Vote on a Snapshot Governance Proposal
<aside> 📢 Delegate $LDO Tokens to Rabbithole
What if you had absolute control of your assets, no banks or governments in between.
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<aside> 🏧 What can I do with DeFi?
<aside> 🔒 Crypto Security 101
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<aside> 💵 Lend stETH on Aave